Welcome to Wellstream
The Canadian Centre for Innovation in Child & Youth Mental Health & Substance Use
We are dedicated to generating innovative solutions to strengthening mental health and reducing substance use harms for children, youth, and their communities.
Wellstream in
The World
Wellstream in the World reflects our work dedicated to engaging young people and their communities in creating knowledge about youth mental health and substance use.

Wellstream for
Wellstream for Schools is dedicated to the mental health and substance use research and programming needs of the pan-Canadian K-12 school systems.
Wellstream X houses our initiatives centred on emergent health and social issues affecting mental health and substance use among children, youth, and their communities across Canada and globally.

In the News

The children killed by fentanyl
A drug epidemic is devastating Canada
Mar 13, 2024 – Unherd
Fatal overdoses, the majority from fentanyl, a highly-potent opioid, are now the leading cause of death for young people aged 10-18 in British Columbia.

How parents should talk about drugs with their kids
October 24, 2023 – CBC: On the Coast with Gloria Macarenko
Having informed and non-judgmental family discussions about drugs may save children’s lives.

August 31, 2023 – CBC News
A significant gap in early intervention remains.

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