The Teens Report on Adolescent Cannabis Experiences – TRACE – studies are recognized as the longest-running program of qualitative research on youth cannabis use in North America.
This research provides valuable insights into the experiences, perceptions, and behaviors of youth and generates new understandings about youth perspectives on substance use informing impactful strategies to minimize related harms.
TRACE has contributed to school- and community-based interventions, policy consultation, and scholarly outputs that center youth perspectives on substance use experiences and decision-making.
Innovations in Harm Reduction

In October 2022, we co-hosted the Innovations in Harm Reduction for Youth Cannabis Use event showcasing new developments in harm reduction research and programs from across Canada. Check out our report highlighting key innovations.
The video of the full event is available for viewing.
CYCLES: The Film
Our TRACE team created the film Cycles based on the results of early TRACE studies. The film explores high school student decision-making about the use of cannabis.
An accompanying Facilitator’s Guide was created to support educators in using the film in their classrooms to promote dialogue and build open communication to reduce the harms of cannabis and other substance use.

The fifth iteration of TRACE was the first in our series to be conducted post-cannabis legalization in Canada. This research focuses in on gaps in cannabis education for youth and explores how health and social differences – or inequities – shape youth cannabis use.

The fourth iteration of TRACE included perspectives of parent cannabis users about youth cannabis education and prevention in the context of legalization.
See below for our T4Parents Report and an environmental scan of cannabis education resources for parents.